Sunday, 8 March 2015

How to Make Crab Masala Recipes

     Who does not like to taste crab masala, especially the non vegetarian food eaters. Crab curry recipes got highest popularity among other non vegetarian side dish recipes. Crabs are decapod crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura, which have a short projecting "tail" entirely hidden under the thorax. They live in the oceans spread around the world. They also live in fresh water and on land. They are covered with a thick exoskeleton and have a single pair of claws. There are many other animals which looks similar but are not true crabs and they can be listed as hermit crabs, king crabs, porcelain crabs, horseshoe crabs and crab lice etc. Usually most of the non vegetarians use crab meat to prepare different non vegetarian side dishes such as Chilli crab, crab curry, crab masala crab in better pepper garlic etc. Crab meat is the meat found within a crab. It is used in many cuisines across the world. It is prized for its soft and delicate nature providing sweet taste. Few of the commercially available species which produce crab meat are Brown crab (Cancer pagurus), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), blue swimming crabs (Portunus pelagicus) and red swimming crabs (Portunus haanii) etc. It is to be noted here that some fisheries harvest the crab meat by declawing of crabs. In the process of harvesting crab meat by fisheries they pull of one or both claws of a live crab and the animal is then returned to the water. Because crabs can naturally autotomise (shed) limbs and then about a year later they regenerate the limbs. 
       Most of the people cook the crabs moments after their capture to ensure freshness. because the freshness of claws previously removed from the crab cannot be accurately gauged. There are two varieties of crab meat namely white crab meat and brown crab meat. White crab meat comes from the claws and legs of the crab and white in color. Similarly brown meat is from the body of the crab, which has a higher natural fat content, but is also extremely high in Omega-3. 100 g of Brown Crab meat contains 2/3 of the 3 g weekly recommended intake of Omega 3. Brown crab meat has pate like texture and a rich full flavor. The physiology of the crabs decides the color and texture of the brown meat which vary throughout the year. Different varieties of crab recipes include Chilli crab, crab curry, crab masala and crab in butter pepper garlic. There is a huge demand for crab meat which is used in Indian non vegetarian side dishes. Similarly there is huge demand for Indian non Veg side dish recipes such as crab curry recipes which include Chilli crab, crab masala and crab in butter pepper garlic etc.
   For More Other Recipes like Chicken Recipes,Hyderabadi biryani Recipes visit our official webpage

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